
Learn to Hunt Program Launches in August!

In August, the Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation will hold its third Learn-to-Hunt education program for both youth and adults. The Learn-to-Hunt Program takes participants from the classroom to the field, and will eventually bring them to the table for a game dinner! This nine-week course is designed for those with little or no outdoor experience. Sign up here . The Heritage Learn-to-Hunt Program...

Study Reinforces What We Already Know: Criminals Don’t Follow the Law

The state of Illinois holds a B+ rating from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (the highest rating given is an A). Gun control advocates would have you believe this means it should be a relatively safe place. Yet Illinois’ largest city, Chicago, has long been an embarrassment to this notion. The city if anything has had an even lengthier list of gun controls than the state itself,...

Beware the Bloomborgs

They intend to assimilate you and they don’t care how they do it. I have been writing about guns, gun laws, and the battle over both, for several years. During that time, I have become aware of a disturbing trend among politicians and the general media. Gun control has become perverted. It’s no longer about seeking real solutions; it’s about advancing a single agenda; a group of laws that offer...

Op-Ed: The Democrats really are coming for your guns

What a difference three years makes. The first primary debates showed us just how far the Democratic party has drifted on Second Amendment rights. Anti-gun politicians once were coy about their goals. President Barack Obama told PBS’s Gwen Ifill during a town hall in 2016, “And at no point have I ever, ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. So it's just not true.” Now the...

Mathematics ties media coverage of gun control to upticks in gun purchases

Editor's Note: We know...this is kind of like news that more people use umbrellas when it rains. It doesn't take a genius to recognize this trend, but it did take a bunch of mathematicians to prove it... ... For the first time, researchers have shown a causal link between print news media coverage of U.S. gun control policy in the wake of mass shooting events and increases in firearm acquisition...

Op-Ed: Here Are The Gun Control Positions Of The Democratic Candidates After Two Debates

Democratic hopefuls squared off in the first primary debate over two days and they had plenty to say about the gun control plans they would enact if elected. Perhaps the most important take away from the two nights is that the candidates advocated or passively supported gun confiscation, rhetorically couched as “gun buybacks.” Not a single one of the 20 candidates spoke in opposition to...

Another Ohio board of education votes to allow concealed carry for teachers

WTAP (NBC Parkersburg, WV) reported recently that the Warren Local Schools board of education has voted to approve the concealed arming of staff members. From the article : "This was a long time study of looking into different programs," superintendent Kyle Newton said. Newton says the district didn’t just rush into this decision to allow concealed carrying of firearms for selected faculty...

Living in La-La Land: Joe Biden’s Alternative Reality

Anti-gun folks typically characterize their gun control restrictions as “common sense” and “responsible,” regardless of how poorly grounded in reality these “solutions” tend to be, or how little their proponents understand what these measures will do (like the gun control supporters at one event who, when asked, were unable to explain what an AR-15 or a bumpstock is). A related, recurring theme...

Shooters Converge on Camp Perry for CMP Matches and 2019 ORPA State Championship

Several service rifle competitors got a jump on the National Matches at Camp Perry by taking advantage of a series of matches on June 22 and 23, conducted by the Civilian Marksmanship Program and the Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association. CMP shooters led off with an 800 Aggregate match, EIC Match and CMP GSMM reduced course match on Day 1. ORPA shooters fired their State Rifle Championship on Day 2...

New Zealand Experience Further Proves Registration Facilitates Confiscations

Firearms registration facilitates firearms confiscation. This fact has been demonstrated in recent weeks, as the New Zealand authorities have lamented that the country does not have a firearms registry to assist them in their gun confiscation efforts. Following a high-profile shooting in Christchurch, the New Zealand government enacted the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts)...

Attorney General announces First Quarter 2019 CHL statistics; RECORD 673,000 enjoy Ohio concealed carry

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost (R) has released the Concealed Handgun License (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2019. As has been true for every quarterly report for over 10 years, we set another record for total number of people licensed to discretely carry their firearms. During the first quarter, Ohio Sheriffs issued 16,115 initial CHLs, renewed 22,739 CHLs and processed 7 Temporary...

Accomplice charged after Cincinnati woman defends own life from pair of would-be robbers

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported recently that a woman defended her own life with a firearm when a pair of young men attempted to rob her. From the article : Around 5 a.m. Saturday, investigators say two 15-year-old boys tried to rob a woman at gunpoint in the 3600 block of Reading Road. The victim drew her own firearm and shot at the teens, striking 15-year-old Jordan Lara. He was taken to...

Woman uses firearm to defend own life during violent home invasion

The Gallipolis Daily Tribune is reporting that prosecutors have determined that an April 12 shooting and death which occurred at a Gallia County residence was done in self-defense. From the article : According to that statement from the respective offices of the sheriff and prosecutor, an unnamed woman in her 20s who law enforcement said was home alone the morning of April 12 was bathing and...

Headline: DeWine restores old order to Ohio Division of Wildlife after Kasich turmoil

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that, after dealing for eight years with wishy-washy support and occasional hostility from the previous administration, administrators from the Ohio Division of Wildlife say that order has been restored. From the article : The occasion was the 40th anniversary of an event founded by Gov. James A. Rhodes in 1979 as a way to promote Lake Erie as a fishing...

The Resurgence of the Revolver

I've noted that some gun writers are starting to speculate about a resurgence of interest in owning and shooting revolvers, specifically double-action (DA) revolvers. As evidence of this, they point to Kimber's introduction of a revolver to their line of products that had previously been strictly composed of semi-automatic pistols, Colt’s reintroduction of the DA Cobra revolver—something that...

Your Tactical Training Scenario- Shot Through the Door

Recently, I was reading some of the court documents regarding the Jayme Closs kidnapping. If you are unfamiliar with what happened, a man saw 13-year old Jayme Closs getting off the school bus one day. He decided that he had to have this girl. Later that night, he appeared on Jayme’s parents’ front porch. When Jayme’s father looked out the door peephole, the kidnapper shot him through the door...

Retired Justice Stevens Continues Crusade Against Guns

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens does not believe a law-abiding citizen has a right to possess firearms under the Second Amendment, and he wants to make sure everyone knows it. He made his position clear when he authored a dissenting opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller , where the Supreme Court, in fact, held that the Second Amendment does protect an individual right. Last...

HB 178 gets vote after 8th hearing; Speaker refers back to another committee

On June 26, during a rare 8th committee hearing, HB 178 (Constitutional Carry, Concealed Weapons License & Remove Duty to Notify) was passed out of the House Federalism Committee with a 7-4 vote. However, rather than bring the bill to the floor for a vote, House Speaker Larry Householder (R-Glenford) has re-referred the bill back to another committee for further review. From the Statehouse...

Independence Day 2019

With the upcoming holiday, let's look at what it might mean to some people…a day off with pay, just a day off, family, friends, cookouts, reunions or just a day to lounge and watch the fireworks. As for me, I think of our Constitution, our founding fathers, our Bill of Rights, our military men and women who are performing their duties to protect our freedom. “FREEDOM”. We say it often, exclaiming...

Don’t Say They Didn’t Warn You: Left Leaning Voices Question Democrats’ Anti-Gun Proposals, Fervor

If the 2020 Democrat presidential primary is any indication, that party’s base and donor class will accept nothing less from their nominee than commitments to sweeping gun control. And the contenders appear happy to accommodate them. No one doubts that the political hard left is unified around the idea of gun control in principle. But some in that camp are expressing concern that the pathway to...

Obama Lies about Guns… Again

Despite no longer living in the White House, former President Barack Obama continues to be a headache to law-abiding Americans. On May 30, Obama spoke at a digital innovation event in Brazil. During the onstage conversation, Obama said, “Our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time, without much, if any, regulation. They can buy [guns] over the...

Knife Rights’ OH Knife Law Reform BILL Passes Senate

Admittedly this gets a bit confusing, but bear with us here, it is all good… As noted previously, the key language in Knife Rights' Ohio knife law reform bill, SB 140, was included in the Senate's amendment to the State Budget, which passed the Senate last week and which is currently in a Senate/House Conference Committee. If it is retained in the final budget bill, then it would go to the...

Ohio Budget a Major Win for Conservation, Hunters

Language included in Ohio’s two-year budget that would begin to fix a major shortfall in funding for conservation is one step closer to becoming law, as the Ohio Senate approved House Bill 166. Gov. Mike DeWine fulfilled his promise to Ohio sportsmen by including a major investment in hunting, fishing and trapping programs when he introduced his budget earlier this spring. The Ohio House then...

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.